What is CB2

The problem facing most countries like Australia is their lack of access to plant products such as hemp and cannabis due to an archaic political system that refuses to bring its regulations and laws to modern times.

Canna Valley has brought together a range of products using CB2 to allow users to bind to the same CB2 receptors just like cannabis or hemp and do so without the worry of scripts, huge costs, stigma around buying the product and a 

Due to its unique ability to bind with CB2 receptors, CB2 has potent anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It is known to help relieve anxiety and pain, reduce cholesterol, prevent Osteoporosis, and treat seizures. CB2 has many other benefits not listed, Canna Valley recommends users to have thorough search of the internet to see what other ailments CB2 can help with!