From the Soil
Hemp is a one of a kind crop which replenishes and uplift soil health. Growing hemp returns valuable organic matter to the soil, building the soil with natural goodness to boost soil nutrients and vitality. Hemp grows swiftly and competing weeds are naturally suppressed, thank mother nature for that one. But, all in all, hemp is so useful and healthy for farmland.
Save Our River Systems
We recommend everyone to watch this video.
The Water We Use
We have started to only use local farmers who use water from vast underground aquifers in your region for irrigation.
Reducing greenhouse oil
Hemp has a remarkable ability to use carbon from the atmosphere and put it back where it belongs – in the soil. Growing hemp gradually regenerates carbon-depleted soils by sequestering carbon and locking it into the soil for plants to use. After harvesting the seed, the large volume of biomass left in the paddock is ploughed in to boost soil carbon and benefit future crops.
No GMO’s
Our hemp crops are completely free from genetic modification.
Carbon neutral food processing
We believe all companies should strive to be come carbon neutral. We are conscious of our environmental impact and will reduce our carbon footprint by offsetting our use of fossil fuels caused by our daily business activities such as transport and processing.